Alexander Rončević | Lauren Rantala | Kate Davey

We welcome back Lauren Rantala. Lauren is a HYROX fanatic, even though she no longer works at HYROX. We find out what she has been up to lately. Next up is Kate Davey, who punched her ticket to France with a 3rd place finish at the last-chance qualifier in Cologne. Last up is Alex Rončević. Alex is the only man with 4 podiums at 4 HYROX World Championships dating back to 2019. Alex broke an open world record last weekend, and we found out why.

Sponsor Mention: We are stoked to welcome back Resolute Coffee as a sponsor. Brian and team athletes and members of the hybrid community. Say hello to him in DEKA Anaheim this weekend! Use code HFM20 for 20 percent off at checkout right now.

We are also big fans of their Hot Sauce! Check them out at Redlands Hot Sauce.

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Athletes Instagram Links: Alexander Rončević | Lauren Rantala | Kate Davey

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