HYROX UK will host their first event of the season this weekend in Birmingham. This will be a massive event with 1400+ Doubles teams, 2100+ Open competitors, and nearly 300 Pro racers. The Saturday event will also be followed up with the UK and Ireland Open Relay Championships on Sunday.
The weekend will start off with a bang at 8 a.m. local time as two powerhouse teams take their shot at the Men’s Doubles World Record. The record of 48:52 is currently held by Tim Wenisch and Michael Sandbach. Hunter Mcintyre and Jon Wynn will have their hands full with the team of Graham Halliday and James Kelly. All four athletes qualified for last year’s World Championships race.

The women’s race looks like it will be a showdown between Zara Piergianni and Kate Davey. They both occupy the 20th and 21st spot respectively in the Elite 15 rankings and took the top two spots at the last UK event. HYROX Master Trainer, Jade Skillen, should also be in the podium mix. Make sure to give her a follow for some great HYROX training advice.
On the men’s side, Harry Thompson and Tony Revell finished 1st and 3rd last season in London. But, there will be a lot of strong contenders looking to bump them off the podium. Ciaran Parkinson, Ben Spilman and Sadiq Elfitouri should all be in the mix.
Check out these athletes on Instagram.
Hunter Mcintyre – @huntthesheriff
Jon Wynn – @jonwynnfitnessandsobriety
Graham Halliday – @elationfitnesstraining
James Kelly – @jk_hybridtraining
Kate Davey – @precisiongolfkate
Zara Piergianni – @coachedbyzara
Jade Skillen – @jade_skillen_performance_coach
Harry Thompson – @hpthompson32
Tony Revell – @revell_mtb
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