Hyrox Elite 15 Series – 2023/2024 Updates

Hyrox sent information to at least 30 top athletes this morning regarding updates, rules, and regulations about the 23/24 Season.

We have summarized it here.

We will be having a call with HYROX HQ tomorrow morning to ask additional questions.

The 23/24 Elite 15 series consists of:

  • –  4 Major Races
    • –  HYROX Major
    • –  US Major
    • –  Scandinavian Major
    • –  European Major
  • –  2 Last Chance Qualifiers (LCQ)
  • –  The World Championships of Fitness Racing

The Majors: Qualification to these Major events occurs via a combination of auto qualification through placing in previous season Elite 15 events (now called MAJORS) and time qualification in Pro races in 2023.

15 Male and 15 Female athletes will qualify to race at each Major.

All Majors hold a total prize purse of $42,000 each ($21,000 Male and $21,000 female), will be in Grid format, and will be live-streamed.

How to qualify for a major:

Automatically qualified (for all four 23/24 Majors)

If two of the auto qualification slots are held by the same person, the 4th of the World Championships gets the auto qualification slot.

  • World Champion (Hunter McIntyre and Lauren Weeks)
  • 2nd at World Championships (Alexander Roncevic and Megan Jacoby)
  • 3rd at World Championships (Tobias Lautwein and Belle Newby)
  • US Champion (David Magida and Mikaela Norman)
  • European Champion (Alexander and Megan – Both roll down)
  • 23/24 Major race top 3 finishers (Ryan Kent and Vivian Tafuto both 4th in World Champs via rolldown)

Qualification by time

  • –  Best individual Pro times of the calendar year 2023 until 15 participants are reached.
  • –  Cut off day for each event is 2 weeks prior to the Major.

Qualification by Major

The top 3 finishers of each Major earn an auto qualification slot for the remaining majors of the season.

If an athlete finishes in the top 3 but was already auto-qualified, this slot goes to the 4th or even 5th ranked athlete of the respective major – but never further down.

The HYROX World Championships

How to qualify for World Championships:

The only route of qualification to the World Championships is via placing at a Major Championship or Last Chance Qualifier event, there is no direct qualification to the World Championships via time in a regular season race.

Qualification by Major

The top 3 finishers of each Major earn an auto qualification slot for the HYROX World Championships.

If an athlete finishes in the top 3 in a major but was already qualified for World Championships, this slot goes to the 4th or even 5th ranked athlete of the respective major – but never further down.

Qualification by Last Chance Qualifier (LCQ)

After the 4 Majors, a maximum of 12 slots will be given away for the World Championships. The remaining slots will go to the top finishers at the LCQ races.

The number of slots will be distributed equally amongst the 2 LCQ races. If the remaining slots are an odd number, the last LCQ race receives one more qualification slot. This fills the Elite 15 with 15 total athletes per gender.

For the upcoming 2023/24 Season, this means the following athletes are qualified for all majors.

HYROX 2023/2024 Major Races.

There is a new event called “The Hyrox Major” – It will change locations yearly. This first year it is in The United States.

Hyrox Major – November 11th, 2023 – Chicago, IL (Cutoff is October 28th Dublin/Valenica)

Scandanavian Major – Dec, 2, 2023 – Stockholm, Sweden (Cutoff is Nov 18th Dallas, Hamburg)

European Major – Feb 10, 2024 – Vienna, Austria (Cutoff TBD)

US Major – March 2, 2024 – Washington, D.C. (Cutoff TBD)

HYROX 2023/2024 LCQ Races.

April 13, 2024 – Cologne, Germany

May 11th, 2024 – Hong Kong, China

HYROX World Championships Location and Date

To be announced soon.

Check out the podcast we did with Anthony Peressini discussing what we learned about The Hyrox Majors.