HYROX Timing Changes & Issues

The HYROX community has been vocal about their disappointment with the new leaderboard design and user experience.

There are lots of rumors out there including HYROX and MIKA had an unhappy split that rushed the new site before it was ready.

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We spoke to a source close to the situation who told us the following: “Not true. This is all on the original schedule- a Jan 1 change over”

The source further explained the timing issues and components and their breakdown as follows:

Timing hardware – That hasn’t changed.

Timing personnel – Changed from Mika to in-house. Many/most of the same folks are executing this, so this has not been much of an issue.

Timing software – This is a change from Mika. This side struggled a bit in Manchester (things were slow at times, leaderboards on-site went down for a time, etc.), but they got that worked out before the big Vegas weekend. Not that there won’t continue to be tweaks and improvements, but all the major stuff is worked out.

Integrating all of this new stuff into the website – This is where they continue to struggle. There is just a ton to do. To the casual observer, it may look like no progress or improvements are being made, but with website development, you sometimes have to make 10 back-end changes to allow for one visible change. While making those 10 back-end changes, it can also break five other things, which makes the process take forever. I don’t really know who is doing their web work, how big of a team it is, or what their timeline is for improvements. But I do know that they’re still feeling the heat and are focused on improving this as soon as possible.”

1 comment on “HYROX Timing Changes & Issues

  1. Dean says:

    Penalities are not being integrated, missing timings on stations and runs, final position placings wrong.
    The whole thing is a complete mess.
    Manchester was terrible, Maastricht bad, and I have nonidea what to expect for Toulouse this weekend

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